When it comes to issuing invoices in the Czech Republic, both VAT payers and non-VAT payers are required to follow certain rules and regulations. This includes providing a VAT identification number (IČO) on the invoice. However, there are instances where invoices need to be issued without an IČO, such as when dealing with non-VAT payers or foreign customers. In this article, we will discuss how to issue an invoice without an IČO, both for VAT payers and non-VAT payers.

For VAT payers, issuing invoices without an IČO can be a bit tricky, as the IČO is a mandatory requirement for VAT invoicing. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as when selling to non-VAT payers or foreign customers. In such cases, the invoice should include the following information instead of the IČO:

– Name and address of the customer
– Date of the invoice
– Description of the goods or services provided
– Total amount due
– VAT rate and amount (if applicable)

Additionally, the invoice should clearly state that the customer is a non-VAT payer or a foreign customer, and therefore exempt from VAT. This will help to avoid any potential misunderstandings or disputes with the tax authorities.

For non-VAT payers, the process of issuing an invoice without an IČO is much simpler. Since non-VAT payers are not registered for VAT, they are not required to include an IČO on their invoices. However, they must still provide the same information as mentioned above, including the customer’s name and address, date of the invoice, description of the goods or services, total amount due, and any applicable taxes.

To help guide you through the process of issuing an invoice without an IČO, we have provided a sample invoice template in English that you can download and use for your own invoicing purposes. This template includes all the necessary fields and information required for a valid invoice, without the need for an IČO.

Overall, issuing invoices without an IČO is a common practice in the Czech Republic, especially when dealing with non-VAT payers or foreign customers. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and using the provided invoice template, you can ensure that your invoices are accurate, compliant with regulations, and easily understood by your customers.

Download the sample invoice template here: [link to download].

If you have any further questions or need assistance with invoicing without an IČO, feel free to contact us for guidance and support.


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